Faq Sections

Which product is recommende . . .

For cleaning aluminum rims we recommend the Hp12 product. 

  1. First rise thoroughly with water to remove coarse dirt and cool the surface. 
  2. Spray the product evently over the entire rim. 
  3. If possible, use a soft bristle brush to thoroughly clean the rim.
  4. Finally, rinse thoroughly and dry. 

The products mentioned above are available for sale on our e-commerce at the following link:


Which product is recommended for cleaning the interior of the mixed leather and fabric vehicle?

For cleaning the mixed leather and fabric interior we recommend the Pulimax product and the blue microfiber cloths 40x40. 

On sale on our e-commerce at the following links:


Which product is recommended for cleaning the roof of the car?

To clean the roof of the car we recommend using pulimax to spread with the grey microfiber cloth.  

On sale on our e-commerce at the following links:


ATTENTION: We recommend that you always check the condition of the roof (fabric roof of the vehicle) before starting the service and always communicate to the customer the real condition and possible detachment of the roof. We recommend absolutely avoiding steam cleaning, which can unstick the ceiling, and to proceed in a targeted manner only on dirty areas with our indicated product and a brush. 

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